Suzanne Catalano

Interview with Suzanne Catalano – Author of A Little Dog’s Adventures in a Big Dog’s World

Read Time: 3 Minutes

Today I’m interviewing Suzanne Catalano, author of “A Little Dog’s Adventures in a Big Dog’s World.” Join us as we dive into Suzanne’s journey alongside her beloved pug-beagle mix, Winnie, exploring the inspiration behind her book, unexpected revelations about the human-animal bond, and insights into canine behaviour and communication. Get ready to be inspired and uplifted by Suzanne’s genuine love for animals and the profound connections she shares with her furry companions.

M: What inspired you to write “A Little Dog’s Adventures in a Big Dog’s World”?

S: After a few years of writing blogs about Winnie, my pug-beagle mix, and our adventures not just in nose work, but in life, my loyal readers mentioned I should write a book, so I did. The inspiration to write blogs was always how my time spent with animals gave me so much pleasure and peace of mind.

M: Were there any surprises or revelations you discovered about yourself or your relationship with Winnie while reflecting on your experiences for the book?

S: I am an empath. The closer I get to my dog, the better I understand my comfort level and boundaries in my interactions with people. I have more patience in dealing with adversaries, and am less demanding of my loved ones.

M: What are some key takeaways you hope readers will gain about canine behaviour and communication?

S: I hope readers will see a way to better understand about what is important to their animals, and not just blindly ask them to carry out our will with disregard for their feelings. They do things for us because we ask them, and it is important to honor them when they have input. Beginning with reading their non-verbal communications, with time we can learn to interpret the animals needs and our pets can develop confidence to “ask” for what they need.

M: Apart from the adorable Winnie, do you have any others you can tell us about?

S: Although Winnie is currently my only dog, I have enjoyed life and shared it with many furry family members from canines to equines to felines. I have been a dog walker and formed many tight bonds with my clients’ dogs as well. 

My other most special bonds were with my Pug dog, Juno, who passed away in Nov. 2013. Winnie had some big paw prints to fill when she came to us in July 2014. I also learned a lot from my Quarter horse, Casey, who is in his thirties and living on a ranch in Camino, CA.

Suzanne, thank you so much for you time!

For our readers, you can follow and find out more about what Suzanne is up to at her socials:
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– Facebook
Be sure to check out our review of “A Little Dog’s Adventures in a Big Dog’s World” or grab your own copy from Audible!

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