Talking Audiobooks With Chatgpt

Talking Audiobooks with ChatGPT

Read Time: 4 Minutes

So if you’ve been paying any kind of attention to technology-related news, one of the big things at the moment is ChatGPT – an artificial intelligence (AI) that you can talk to and pose questions and have realistic levels of feedback. I thought, “Why not see what it has deduced about audiobooks?” So armed with a few questions and no idea what the experience would be like, I headed over to and got chatting… and I think it passed the Turing Test!

To get things rolling, I gave it an easy one. Help explain just what ChatGPT is.

M: Could you explain what ChatGPT is in one paragraph or less?

ChatGPT: ChatGPT is a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI. It is trained on a large corpus of text data and uses state-of-the-art deep learning techniques to generate human-like responses to text-based prompts. ChatGPT can answer questions, participate in conversations, provide information, and complete a wide range of natural language tasks, making it a valuable tool for businesses, developers, and researchers who want to build human-like interaction into their products and services.

So far, so good. A little dry and reads a bit like a product statement rather than something that would be stated in natural conversation. I didn’t expect much different from that one, and it understood what I asked and kept the answer to a single paragraph as I asked. Time to move on to audiobooks!

M: What are some little-known facts about audiobooks?

ChatGPT: Here are some little-known facts about audiobooks:

  1. The first audiobook was recorded in 1932 and was an abridged version of Charles Dickens’ “The Personal History of David Copperfield.”
  2. The production of audiobooks has been influenced by advances in technology, with the rise of digital platforms such as Audible leading to an increase in the popularity of audiobooks in recent years.
  3. Many popular authors, including Stephen King and J.K. Rowling, have recorded their own audiobooks, giving listeners the opportunity to hear their work in the author’s own voice.
  4. Audiobooks are not just for entertainment; they are also used in various educational settings, including schools and universities, to help students learn and retain information.
  5. Some audiobook narrators have specialized training and use unique vocal techniques to bring characters to life, such as changing their voice to mimic different accents or creating sound effects with their mouth.
  6. Audiobooks can also help people with visual impairments or reading difficulties, as they provide an alternative way to enjoy and experience literature.
  7. Some audiobook fans prefer listening to books in the car or during long commutes, as it allows them to enjoy a good story without having to physically hold a book or device.

Okay, so again, that one is probably on me somewhat. I asked for some facts, and I got a list of facts. It didn’t throw hundreds of points my way, but it also didn’t give me too few. It actually gave me a reasonable list of facts pertaining to audiobooks. 

One thing about ChatGPT is that it can respond to follow-up questions, so I thought I’d try that out, and just for fun, I wouldn’t be too specific to see how clever it was.

M: Could you tell me more about the second point you made?

ChatGPT: Certainly! The rise of digital platforms such as Audible has had a significant impact on the popularity of audiobooks in recent years. With the widespread adoption of smartphones and other mobile devices, more and more people can access digital audio content and listen to audiobooks on the go.

Audible, in particular, has revolutionized the audiobook industry by making it easier for people to discover, purchase, and listen to audiobooks. The platform offers a vast library of audiobooks, including best-sellers, classics, and original content, and allows users to listen to their audiobooks on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and smart speakers.

The convenience and accessibility of audiobooks through digital platforms has also made it easier for people to try audiobooks for the first time, leading to an increase in their popularity. People can now listen to audiobooks while commuting, exercising, or doing other activities that may not have been possible with traditional books.

Overall, the rise of digital platforms has played a significant role in the growth of the audiobook industry and has made audiobooks more accessible to a wider audience.

Bust out the crayons and colour me impressed. It worked out what I meant and correctly elaborated on the point. With the rise of AI-powered narrators, the controversial AI’s generating art, and AI’s like ChatGPT writing in plain language, I am excited to see what is still to come.

With any luck, we might finally get a world where machines can do all the hard stuff, and I can laze around enjoying audiobooks all day!

And don’t worry; I thanked ChatGPT at the end of the conversation. I thought it best to stay on the good side of the machines. You know, just in case the future of AI is more along the lines of Terminator.

What are your thoughts on ChatGPT or Artificial Intelligence? Let us know in the comments below!

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