The Birthday of Eternity

The Birthday of Eternity

In postwar Tinseltown, how far would a lonely heart go to find a soulmate? How deep into the treacherous world of the occult would L.A.’s disaffected dive? P.I.s Kit and Henry are posed to find out after they’re hired to track down Lillian, the estranged wife of a prominent physician, who has gone missing with her “spirit” lover Tashin. The detectives’ hunt leads to a Hollywood cult run by the ambitious Reverend, and his accomplice, the operator of a séance racket.

To zero in on Lillian and the mysterious Tashin, Kit goes undercover, while Henry digs into the Reverend’s unsavory past. Helping to unravel the con artists’ tricks are Kit’s psychiatrist lover Luca and her combat veteran brother Stanley. As danger and intrigue intensify, Kit and Henry discover that surviving the spirit trade will take all of their cunning and a whole lot of luck.

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The Birthday of Eternity



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